2023 Questionnaire - Online food delivery platforms Costs and Service1. What is the rate of subscription charge you are paying to online food delivery platforms?25%35%40%2. What percentage of overall turnover do you pay to subscription food delivery platforms?10%20%30%3. Do you believe that the subscription rates are too high and do you believe that they present a fair cost for the service that you receive?YesNoAdditional comments:4. Do you believe that online Food Delivery companies are doing enough to promote fresh authentic high street restaurant food?YesNoAdditional comments:5. Do you believe that the profile of the subscribing restaurants is being eroded in favour of the brand of the online food delivery platform?YesNo6. In your opinion, should the online delivery platform marketing budget – which it is argued is one of the principal elements of the subscription charges levied by online Food Delivery companies/platforms, be focused more on promoting individual restaurants in different regions, rather than own brand marketing?YesNoAdditional comments:Submit